Author: Unknown
•Friday, January 24, 2014

I was browsing my draft when I see this writing that was never published on my blog. Well for simple reason because it was personal experience or let just say my heart sentiments. This was created December 29,2013 around 8 o'clock in the evening. Now, I decided to publish this one just for the memories.
...soon I'm hoping that I'll be reading this post with a smile and no heartache at all...
Every story has an end...

Yes, that's the reality of life. Though you still want to continue the story there will come a time that it will end. You were lucky if the ending was Happy ever after.  But most of the story in life they don't end that way. Some have a tragic and sad ending, some would just end without any justification why it need to end. The famous line "it's not you, it's me".

Once upon a time I fell in love to a man who call himself Walker. I just saw his picture in a forum. We don't have any connection except to the fact that we are an avid fan of one author. Funny how fate bring us together to meet personally, he was there when I attended the eyeball of the members. Just like typical story from friends we become lovers. He became my Knight and I became his Princess. And true enough the first month to first year was fantastic despite the problem that come our way. Just like other lovers we fight, we quarrel over the same topic, schedules, time, priorities, anything under the sun... but still we make it in the second and third year of our relationship. Then four days before our fourth year anniversary he said goodbye. He run from our relationship as simple as that.

Yes, it was not easy. I was still in shock and still grieving up to this day. My everyday prayer to God was to at least lessen this pain. Yes, I laugh when I was with my colleagues but deep inside it was shallow. I feel like crying every time I remember him. Our memories together become the bane of my existence nowadays. It's hard but I have to accept and move on with life. As the saying goes it may be stormy now but it won't rain forever. I still want to believe that God has a perfect plan for me. I may never see it now but one thing for sure it will be perfect. Many questions has been left unanswered but one day along the road maybe...maybe... maybe it will come..

Only God knows the reason why everything happen in our life. Though it's hard and it really hurt, sometimes we have to accept the fact that maybe it is better that way and just have faith in God.

And this is my wish for him

I wish him enough sun to keep his attitude bright.

I wish him enough rain to appreciate the sun more.

I wish him enough happiness to keep his spirit alive.

I wish him enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger.

I wish him enough gain to satisfy his wanting.

I wish him enough loss to appreciate all that he possess.

I wish him enough hellos to get him through the final good-bye.
And to all the the broken hearted fellas...God has a perfect plan for us..we just need to wait for the BREAKTHROUGH..

This entry was posted on Friday, January 24, 2014 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


On February 8, 2014 at 2:31 AM , Bethvinz said...

I know life will always find a way to help you through the saddest of times. You deserve to be happy and I know you will be in time. I wish nothing but the best for you jetti. People come into our life for a reason and yes GOD has better plans for us. mmwwaahh!

On February 8, 2014 at 2:34 AM , Unknown said...

haha! thanks! yes I will in God's perfect time ms.beth..the BREAKTHROUGH will come..