Author: Unknown
•Monday, January 27, 2014

How many of you read the book of Rhonda Byrne "The Secret" ?
Promise it worth reading. I recommend this book and it's for you to find out the hidden treasure inside.

Base from personal experience this book help me when I came to a point that I almost give up because of the never ending problem specially when it comes to money.

My dept balloon in unimaginable amount and I feel really stress. Gosh!
I'm down and there are some sleepless nights because of thinking to that dept. I don't know what to do anymore until God revealed this book.

When you want to change your circumstances, you must first change your thinking. Every time you look inside your mail expecting to see a bill, guess what — it'll be there. Each day you go out dreading the bill! You're never expecting anything great. You're thinking debt, you're expecting debt. So debt must show up so you won't think you're crazy. And every day you confirm your thought: Is debt going to be there? Yes, debt's there. Is debt going to be there? Yes, debt's there. Is debt going to be there? Yes, debt's there. Wiry? Because you expected debt to be there. So it showed up, because the law of attraction is always being obedient to your thoughts. Do yourself a favor— expect a check!

BOB PROCTOR You will attract everything that you require. If it's money you need you will attract it. If it's people you need you'll attract it. If it's a certain book you need you'll attract it. You've got to pay attention to what you're attracted to, because as you hold images of what you want, you're going to be attracted to things and they're going to be attracted to you. But it literally moves into physical reality with and through you. And it does that by law.

"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step."

Glad I followed their advised. Thanks to God I overcome my problem by giving me the chance to read The Secret. Try it..promised it worth reading..

Author: Unknown
•Friday, January 24, 2014

I was browsing my draft when I see this writing that was never published on my blog. Well for simple reason because it was personal experience or let just say my heart sentiments. This was created December 29,2013 around 8 o'clock in the evening. Now, I decided to publish this one just for the memories.
...soon I'm hoping that I'll be reading this post with a smile and no heartache at all...
Every story has an end...

Yes, that's the reality of life. Though you still want to continue the story there will come a time that it will end. You were lucky if the ending was Happy ever after.  But most of the story in life they don't end that way. Some have a tragic and sad ending, some would just end without any justification why it need to end. The famous line "it's not you, it's me".

Once upon a time I fell in love to a man who call himself Walker. I just saw his picture in a forum. We don't have any connection except to the fact that we are an avid fan of one author. Funny how fate bring us together to meet personally, he was there when I attended the eyeball of the members. Just like typical story from friends we become lovers. He became my Knight and I became his Princess. And true enough the first month to first year was fantastic despite the problem that come our way. Just like other lovers we fight, we quarrel over the same topic, schedules, time, priorities, anything under the sun... but still we make it in the second and third year of our relationship. Then four days before our fourth year anniversary he said goodbye. He run from our relationship as simple as that.

Yes, it was not easy. I was still in shock and still grieving up to this day. My everyday prayer to God was to at least lessen this pain. Yes, I laugh when I was with my colleagues but deep inside it was shallow. I feel like crying every time I remember him. Our memories together become the bane of my existence nowadays. It's hard but I have to accept and move on with life. As the saying goes it may be stormy now but it won't rain forever. I still want to believe that God has a perfect plan for me. I may never see it now but one thing for sure it will be perfect. Many questions has been left unanswered but one day along the road maybe...maybe... maybe it will come..

Only God knows the reason why everything happen in our life. Though it's hard and it really hurt, sometimes we have to accept the fact that maybe it is better that way and just have faith in God.

And this is my wish for him

I wish him enough sun to keep his attitude bright.

I wish him enough rain to appreciate the sun more.

I wish him enough happiness to keep his spirit alive.

I wish him enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger.

I wish him enough gain to satisfy his wanting.

I wish him enough loss to appreciate all that he possess.

I wish him enough hellos to get him through the final good-bye.
And to all the the broken hearted fellas...God has a perfect plan for us..we just need to wait for the BREAKTHROUGH..

Author: Unknown
•Sunday, January 19, 2014

I think I forgot to mentioned on my previous post that we also need to REST.
When you think you had all done all the things to make it right but still nothing happen sometimes the best thing to do is rest for a while but don't quit. Remember the poem Don't Quit.

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will 
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill 
When funds are low and the debts are high 
And you want to smile but you have to sigh 
When care is pressing you down a bit 
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.

Yes, my friend don't you quit. We just need to rest for a while then come back again. But do you know where is the best place to rest? HOME.

HOME - where you can be yourself...where you don't need to pretend and wear mask...where you can feel the love and affection of your family...where you can talk non-stop and nonsense...where there is love overflowing...where there is laugh despite all the tragedy that happen in the past..where you can really rest.

When I'm tired and losing my direction in life. I go home and rest. After that I feel recharge. My heart will set on fire again. 

Photo credited: Word Art Word by Jennifer 5 days rest and now enjoying my second day..ohlala! sipping coffee in a cold wheather while writing..thank God for allowing this thing to are so GREAT! 

Author: Unknown
•Sunday, January 12, 2014

Oh! yeah! you started the 2014 with so much enthusiasm as if you can do everything. With so much hope and courage you probably prepare a long list of Do's and Don't this January. But as the day passed you started to feel discourage because it looks like you cannot make it again. Things aren't working again. A matter of twelve days here you go again, you're back in old habit.

Don't worry your not alone. Many people also struggling to that phase. They say it takes 21 day to break an old habit. So don't give up we are just on the twelve days of January. 

Here are the things to keep in mind. 

Focus - you get discourage but keep moving..don't stop..try not to be too hard to your self. If you make a little mistake start again. No one is perfect anyway. Besides the most successful people are the one who failed many times but keep on moving. 

Start with a small things - you may not realize but starting with a little thing will turn into big thing in the long process. If you cannot start with a little thing how you manage the big thing? 

Do it now - do not start tomorrow or next month. Do it now for now is the right time. Life is to short. You'll never know if you gonna wake up tomorrow so why not do it now while you still have a chance.

Author: Unknown
•Tuesday, January 07, 2014

As the month started this January, I've been asking myself what's the first thing I should do to make this 2014 different than 2013. I'm looking for something different. Something that can really satisfies me as human being. I don't know if you already experience this, waking up in the morning and for without any reason your sad. You were just starting a day but you already have a heavy heart. It's like something is missing and you don't know what it is. You feel that nothing is working in your life. Then you just want to scream on top of your lungs and ask "WHAT WILL I DO?!"

Oh! yeah! I've experienced that too. And yes it was not easy that with a snap of fingers it will go away. According to my mentor, ninety percent of our life is working well and only ten percent is not working. Sometimes our problem become so big because that's all we see..the problem. We forget to appreciate the things that is working well in every area of our life because we tend to focus on the ten percent not working in our life. True, right? Sometimes small problem will affect our whole day, ruin it and smashed our happiness. And here are my mentor advised. 

       1. Identify your problem. Identify the 10% that is not working in your life. If it just a small problem, let the small problem become small. Asked yourself if this problem will still matter after 5 to 10 years from now. If not, disregard it and make it totally irrelevant. Do not revolve your world to those small problem in your life. 

        2. If you are broken, admit it. Cry or mourn if you must. Grieve. But do not stay on that stage. You must set a limit when to end that grieve. 

       3. Love your self. You gotta love your self. How can you love God and how can you love others if you don't love yourself. But loving oneself is much easier said than done. So the first thing you must remember is protect yourself from abuse. Put boundaries. Saying No is a good thing. Saying NO to Bad Things is saying YES to good things.

      4. Happiness is a choice. Always choose to be happy no matter what because if things are going bad, don't worry it will not last forever.

      5. Surrender all things to God. When bad things happen it is God redirection it is not God rejection. God has a better plan for you, you just have to look hard because you are focus on 10 percent not working in your life.

Ahaha! I think that's it...I just need to follow the list and it's up to you now the decision if you also do the same thing with me..

Have a Blessed 2014!!!

Author: Unknown
•Monday, January 06, 2014

Watch my one of my favorite Preacher BO Sachez and be inspired this 2014..

Author: Unknown
•Sunday, January 05, 2014

Did your heart broken? 

Did someone break your heart?

We are all broken inside admit it. Whether it was because of a betrayal of someone we love or a failed relationship or marriage. Whatever instances that make your heart break or painful.

My boyfriend break up with me last month and yes, I admit it was hurt like hell because we've been together for four years. At first I was in shock and I was kinda in denial of the sad news. But what can I do if he don't want me in his life anymore? Well, life must go on isn't it?

Many people are just good in hiding their brokenness. They can show to the whole world that everything is fine and going smoothly. They can show what the world's want to see. I remember a quote that say
"all it takes is a beautiful fake smile to hide an injured soul and they will never noticed how broken you really are..."
I think many of us master that deception nowadays. No matter how bad it was we can still manage to say I'm okey and I'm fine with a heads up that looks like nothing really happen then smile.
We don't want others to look pity on us. We pretend to be strong and tough though it really pain us.

I will be hypocrite if I will not admit that I am also that kind of woman. I don't want that pity look on people's eyes. I hate it as much as I hated feeling weak and helpless. But now I realized sometimes you need to feel the pain so you can really move on. Get angry and grieve as much as you want but set an expiration date. We cannot stay longer on that stage because somehow it can poison us as a human being. We will become bitter in life. It was hard but soon it will lessen the pain. I was still in grieving stage but little by little I'm on my way to acceptance stage. 

What ever your feeling as of this moment let's have faith in God that soon we will be okey. No matter how painful is the situation just surrender all things to God and keep praying. Later everything will fall into proper places.

Author: Unknown
•Thursday, January 02, 2014

Yay! I have a new blog this 2014 and this is my first post.

But this time I want my blog to be a inspiration to others or something to reflect at the end of the day.

A meaningful blog where I can share my ideas and own experience.

With or without audience...

No applause from the crowd...

No recognition or acknowledgement...

in God's time it will be all worth it so...