Author: Unknown
•Saturday, March 28, 2015

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

—Mark Twain

Maybe it is one of the reason why I leave my comfort zone. I don't want to grow old thinking why I didn't take the risk. I don't want the word "WHAT IF.." hunt me for the rest of my life.

I feel left behind whenever I see my former classmates and friends in Facebook travelling or working outside the country.
They've been in a cozy place eating and drinking mouth watering food, taking pictures with one of the top destination in town while me was just sitting in my desk and doing nothing except to wonder "When will I experience this one?"
Everyday I loose appetite in my daily routine and said its not working anymore.
I work as a Report Analyst on one of the top BPO company in the Philippines.
Read concern, generate and send the reports, surf the net, watch movie, chitchat with my office mate - this are the routine in the office that I do for almost six years since 2008.
I feel I was not growing anymore. I feel stagnant.  

Finally 2014 I have the guts to move on. I said to myself this is it. I want to discover something new. I want to know if I can so I start to process my paper going to Taiwan.
Presto! I did it!

Leaving one's comfort zone is like rotating you're life 180 degree from the point of origin.

You don't know what lies ahead but you still continue to pursue.
And cliche as it may sound this is the phrase you will used to those people who tried to stop you from leaving, "I just cross the bridge when I get there" (sounds familiar? hahaha!)
All you have in mind is a fresh start.
All you want to do is GO!
You will not mind other people's advice that working in another country is seems too good to be true.

Then here you are. You finally arrived in a foreign land.
From familiar to unfamiliar starting from the people whom you've known for so long to the totally complete stranger that you don't even know existed.
You finally met your new colleagues, your new house, new work.

At first I was so enthusiast to know everything. But after a month of two I  learn the lesson

There is no better place like HOME - no matter how happy or successful you are at the end of the day you want to go HOME. You started to miss the conversation between your Dad and Mom. You finally miss your brother, sister, nephew, nieces and friends that cyber technology cannot fill.

You cannot please everybody  - there are one or two person that will become the bane of your existence in one place. That no matter how good you are they just don't like you. Period!

There are no turning back - the moment you signed that resignation letter it means END.
Then you started to miss the old stuff you are doing in your office but you cannot go back because you already signed a new contract, a new work. 

Then you realized that not all the photo you've envy before said it all. Not all the smile in the photo means you are happy, sometimes it just a mask to hide what you really feel miles away.

and lastly your greatest enemy is not other people but you YOURSELF. You will never be contented.