Author: Unknown
•Friday, February 07, 2014

Meet my new inspiration in writing Jeff Goins. He was an author, blogger, and speaker. He was the first foreign writer I followed aside from Bo Sanchez and Chinkee Tan. By the way you may also subscribe to his blog if you love writings. To tell you honestly he was my inspiration why I started to blog again after I stop writing for a year. I was moved by his The Writer’s Manifesto.
After reading the Writer's Manifesto I said to myself "Alright! I will start blogging again".
Start writing for the right reason, as Jeff stated in his Manifesto. To wonder. To dream. To express. Writers don't write to get published. They write for the love of writings.

I was looking forward to meet this guy one day and hopefully to talk to him face to face.  
Why I like him? We have same interest..blogging..writings..helping poor people and serving God.

I just want to give credit to him..haha!